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- Antirrhinum, Snapdragon - Plant
Description : Snapdragons are a particular favourite of children who like to pinch the tiny individual blossoms and make the "dragon mouth" open and close. Their large, blossom-laden flower heads are faintly fragrant and come in in a wide assortment of bright colours. The vertical flower spikes, opening gradually from the bottom to the top, are available in two heights: dwarf varieties grow to about 10 inches while the taller types grow to a height of 18-24 inches.A variety that grows up to 5 feet has been developed, but it must be staked. A single snapdragon plant may produce seven or eight blossom spikes in the course of a summer.
Plant Details :
- Plant Name- Antirrhinum, Snapdragon - Plant
- Bloom Time - Throughout the year.
- Flower Colour- White, Red, Pink, Yellow
- Plant Type- Flowering plant
- Common Name- Antirrhinum,snapdragon, Dogs Mouth, Lions Mouth, Toads Mouth ,dog flower.
- Plant Height- Upto 19 inch
- Keep plants in medium light locations, out of direct sunlight.
- Natural light is best, but some plants can also thrive in office fluorescent light.
- Plant soil should be kept moist at all time.
- Be careful to avoid overwatering.
- Do not allow plants to stand in water.
- Avoid wetting plant leaves excessively.
- Remove waste leaves and stems from time to time.