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- Dianthus baby doll Flowers Seed

Dianthus Baby Doll Mixed is a popular cultivar of dianthus, a genus of plants that includes carnations and pinks. The Baby Doll Mixed variety features compact plants that grow to about 6-8 inches tall and produce a profusion of small, fragrant flowers in shades of pink, red, and white. These plants are often grown as annuals or biennials, and they prefer well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade. They are also relatively easy to care for and make a great addition to rock gardens, borders, or containers.
This compact and low-growing Dianthus variety has very large, single flowers with serrated petals. Colours include crimson, rose, red, white and bicolors. Flowers have a clove-jasmine scent and are ideal for the fragrant garden. Plants can also be grown as a ground cover and are well-suited to containers.
Approx.Seed Count-50