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- Buy Cosmos Casa Flower Flower Seeds Pack (50 seeds)
Cosmos Casa Flower Flower Seeds
Cosmos is an annual flowering plant that grows quickly.
60 seeds are included in the seed packet.
The annual Cosmo plant enjoys heat.
Long stems support flowerheads that may have a bowl- or open-cup form.
Remove spent flowers with a pin to promote continued bloom. Pruning stem tips can shorten them and promote branching.
Common Name - Cosmos, Showy Flower
Height - Up to 6 ft
Flower Colour - Mixed Colour
Bloom Time - June to September
Difficulty Level - Easy to grow.
Planting and care
- When the soil seems dry, water should be applied.
- When the dead flowers are removed, the flower blooms last longer.
Sunlight - Full sun for about 4 to 6 hours.
Water - water the plant once or twice a week.
Soil - This plant requires well drained soil. Soil potting mixture for this plant should generally contain 40 % cocopeat, 40 vermicompost and 20 % local garden soil
Temperature - between 25 and 30 degrees Celsius
Fertilizer -Use any type of organic fertilizer or vermicompost.
Harvest Time - Just beginning to bloom
Use for Ornaments:
Use of Cosmo plants as potted and border plants.
Traditional plants for a cottage garden include Cosmo.